The Ottolock is a unique bike lock that resembles a reusable Ziptie in operation but is A LOT more secure. Ottolock says it is a “Lightweight, compact cinch lock that is stronger than a cable lock and lighter than a U-Lock. Made with steel and Kevlar® bands. Ideal for cycling and outdoor gear to protect against theft opportunists. in 3 sizes and 3 colors.” And it is proudly designed and manufactured in the USA!
The weight of the Ottolock is between 120g (4.23oz) and 235g (8.28oz), so basically 1/4 pound on the short end and 1/2 pound on the long end, depending on length. I can tell you that my 30” test version is sweet-light! My other everyday carry lock (ECL to coin a new term?) is a Bordo Lite 6150 Combo lock that comes in at 650g (22.92oz) so about 5 times heavier and a similar length at 33” for the Bordo. That said, the Ottolock is far easier to use and has an effective use length that is often longer because of how the Bordo folds. Security-wise, the Bordo probably has an edge but I never used the Bordo as more than a “keep-em-honest” lock anyway so the weight savings for my common use for this type of lock is great! The Ottolock folks clearly see this lock in a similar light as they, like me, recommend a super-duty U-Lock or monster chain lock like the New York Lock from Kryptonite for more security if needed.
The 30″ Ottolock easily swallows up Jeff’s Moonlander wheel and frame at a pub stop.
The Otto lock is available in 3 sizes:
- 18”
- 30” (tested)
- 60” (want one, maybe to use as a belt too!)
and 3 colors.:
- Black
- Orange
- Neon Green
Do the dangle from your seat for storage or throw it in your backpack like I do!
Pricing for the Ottolock starts at $55.00 for the 18” on to $65.00 for the 30” and $75.00 for the 60” and, if you are all in on this concept, the “Family Pack” has 1 of each length (18”, 30” and 60”) at a $35.00 savings, or $160.00.
Check them out at