Full Spectrum Cycling #44 – JK’s Triumphant Return

We are back in full fidelity and JK makes his triumphant return from Europe. Plus, we look at several events coming up.

Sorry about last weeks sound. Make sure you listen to the show anyway. Russell from DreamBikes is a great guest! We had to use a backup of the show that is recorded over a phone line but I’ve got a new backup plan that should eliminate that!

Talking Schmack

  • JK is back! 
  • Recap of JK’s trip
  • The last show and why you should listen to it _ Russell
  • Got the massive backup!!
  • Sven rode Pleasant Valley in Grafton that is nicely groomed – Twice
  • I’m being stalked by Tony’s Niece!
JK found a tap of this Brewgod Punk IPA in Lisbon and then got it locally for the show. Very good!


The trails at Pleasant Valley in Grafton, WI are groomed and groovy!

Upcoming Events

JK and Sven checked out some music after the show!