How to Choose the Correct Fork for Your Fat-bike

Our friend from Sarma, Dmitry, made this nice info-graphic that shows the different fork configurations that you need to consider when you are looking to upgrade the fork on your fat-bike! Be sure to check out the Sarma fat-bike forks, they make a nice upgrade! Thanks, Dmitry!



  1. Thanks for putting this together. This really makes a big difference in ride and handling, so it’s worth getting your parts all matchy. If in doubt always check with your local bike shop or the manufacturers website for more info. This is especially important since this industry had evolved rapidly over the last 10 years or so.

  2. It is probably also worth pointing out that a straight steerer can fit in any frame but a tapered steerer will only fit in a tapered headtube frame or one with a 44mm headtube.

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