While the Expo continued on Sunday at the base of Snow King Mountain I took the opportunity to join the tour into Grand Teton National Park with David Hunger who runs Teton Mountain Bike Tours. http://www.tetonmtbike.com
Between guides and participants we had close to 30 fat bikers riding in a National Park! The actual route we rode wasn’t a strenuous ride like the ride up Cache Creek at Snow King, it was on a snow-packed, plowed road, but the route was set right in the heart of Grand Teton National Park. Being able to ride a packed snow road in a National Park on a fat-bike is a first step to opening up more riding options in these parks. The fact that David and Teton Mountain Bike Tours is leading riders up into the park on a regular basis is certainly showing that there is interest from the riders. Here’s hoping that by next year’s summit there will be more progress to fat bike access in both Teton and Yellowstone National Parks.
On our way in to the ride location in the van we saw a couple of moose feeding along the Gros Ventre River just outside Kelly and since I love to check out the big animals when I am in the area I took the opportunity to head back after the ride to try to bag a moose with my trusty OMD-EM1. I found a couple of cows in approximately the same place as we’d seen them earlier.
Plus, this one was right along the road that we’d just been riding a couple of hours before.
Just a couple of miles away from the moose, I got waylaid by a couple of bison.
And the Tetons made an excellent showing after the morning clouds burned off just a couple of hours after our ride.
What is the point of showing bison, moose and mountains when I didn’t see them on our ride earlier in the AM? Simply that any day, at any given time, all this splendor is right there waiting to be discovered. That this happened to be a couple of hours later than our morning ride on this day was just happenstance. Be patient fellow fat bike riders!
Good night Grand Tetons! See you soon!
Dude, that first picture – not an elk. Moose. Sorry
PB!! Right you are! I had Elk on the mind but that certainly is a moose in the photo.