Fat-bikes at the Mammoth Kamikaze

Eric Hunter shot us a note a couple of weeks ago that he was doing the famous Kamikaze Bike Festival in Mammoth Lakes, CA on his fat-bike. You may remember the great shot of Eric competing in the Dual Slalom. Well, here is a bit more about his experience at the event!

Ok here is my go at a story! I wanted to race the Kamikaze Bike Games on my Fat-bike. Mammoth Mountain Bike Races started in the Mid-80-s. The bikes had no suspension! I think Fat-bikes reminded me of the rebirth of what mountain biking was about, Adventure by Bikes (Salsa!) I thought it would be great to do dual slalom, after all a fat-bike is like a fat BMX bike. The Salsa Mukluk hooked up in the corners, and jumped great, but thru rollers I had a learning curve…


Trying to huck the triples I rode this nose wheelie out!

People where rooting for me “Yeah, Big Wheel” and “Go Fatty”! People where amazed how well I was able to throw the fat-bike around and I did go on to win my Category.

I also raced the Cross Country sadly, I have no photos but I did hold my own and gained respect by other racers getting a third place.
Mammoth soil is loose pumice so a fat-bike is fun to ride, you kinda float thru the corners. Maybe not the fastest but the bike is a fun, go-to bike that climbs like a beast where other riders would spin out.


Alan Jacoby another local fat rider raced the Enduro on his purple Salsa Mukluk.

Thanks for the report, Hunter!


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